This picture is of my sweet baby sleeping off a rough day. :(
Mommy and Dr. Alvarado celebrated her big two month milestone by giving her three shots in her thighs. Poor Sammie! Samantha was a tough cookie and only cried for a few seconds, and then took a long, deep nap. Luckily I don't see any swelling and she doesn't appear to have a fever.
I was told that at 23 inches she is in the 75th percentile for her length and has average head size and weight, which was barely over the ten pound mark. I swear- I can feel her growing bigger everyday. The past two days her body feels heavier and chubbier and I am loving it! She looks so much like her brother and father, with a few hints of me mixed in there.
Doctor Alvarado noted today that she is doing things that she should not be able to do already, such as push herself up and hold her head so well. She then warned me to "watch her like a hawk"!
I feel blessed to have Samantha, our final addition to our family, and cannot wait to see the look on Josh's face when he gets to hold her next!
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