This week went SO well; For the first time ever Stephen has a pretty good schedule and I feel like that much better of a mom now that it is in tact!
I have been waking my sleepy Stevie at 7:30 each morning; Giving him a quick shower and getting his shoes in shorts on. After that we brush his teeth-- I let him brush first and then he gets to finish. Once the toothpaste lid is put on, Stephen slips on his shirt and is excited to find his backpack. (Backpack, a word that he says SO adorably, by the way!)
Every week day Stephen has to be at school by 8:30; I normally have him in the car by 8am and we get to school about 15 minutes early and we read our books in the car together while we wait to go into the classroom.
Once he is in I sign him in and he hangs his backpack, then goes to wash his hands. He is at the point now where he couldn't care less that I am leaving him. He'll give me my kiss when I walk him to the storytime mat, which is where the kids meet each morning. He still lets me give him a goodbye-mommy kiss, but he is quick to take the back of his arm and wipe my cooties off. Off I go and Stevie doesn't even seem to notice.
I have spent my weekdays at the gym, cleaning the house, and prepping for a garage sale that was rained out and then rescheduled for this-coming Saturday. Heather and I have been working on tutus and homemade dresses and all sorts of hair flowers and bows and bow holders to "debut" at the sale. I have also been trying to clear the clutter through my ebay site and cannot wait to get rid of my sale piles cluttering up our home.
My little munchkin is growing up. His appetite is finally back and it seems like all I am doing when he is home is feeding him! His interest in stories are back and he is working on colors and numbers. I am proud to say he can show us numbers 1-5 on his fingers and all of a sudden he is MR. CHATTY on the phone. OH-- And the stubborn little guy finally let it slip....Stephen said GRANDPA! He made Grandpa Chiperno's month I think :)
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